Barbara Johnson 3-in-1

Barbara Johnson 3-in-1


Readers can now add three of Barbara Johnson's most popular titles to their collection - Living Somewhere Between Estrogen and Death, Leaking Laffs Between Pampers and Depends, and He's Gonna Toot and I'm Gonna Scoot. For women of all ages, aches, and architecture, Barbara heaps on the joy needed to grow old ferociously amidst husband-handling, kid-corralling, and parent-parenting, all the while keeping their focus on our home in the sweet by and by.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 544 pages
  • English
  • 0849917727
  • 9780849917721

About Barbara Johnson

barbara johnson (1927-2007) died july 2nd, 2007 of cancer (central nervous system lymphoma) after a valiant 6 year fight against the disease. during her il Read More about Barbara Johnson
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