Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach

Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach


Novel set in the 1980s during the fall of the Russian communist era. A young Leningrad writer begins to write a novel about Albert Einstein, Paul Ehrenfest and the nature of discovery. The idea of the novel is pressed upon him by Abram Rubin, the only pupil of the Russian revolutionary theatre director Meyerhold to survive the purges. The writer realises that he has become a closet historiographer of Russia's catastrophe. By the author of 'Confessions of a Clay Man'





Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach price in nairobi kenya Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach pdf Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach summary Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach edition Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach Notes from the Esplanade by Igor Gelbach Notes from the Esplanade: Igor Gelbach: 9781876040468Notes from the Esplanade by Gelbach, Igor

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 177 pages
  • English
  • 1876040467
  • 9781876040468

About Igor Gelbach

ksh 700
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