Garment Center the Evil Empire

Garment Center the Evil Empire


Those who have a voice don't care about the voiceless. What interests them most of the time is what's in it for them. Every day you'll see a crusader making believe he is helping the little people. Not true. It is the glory of being seen on television. One crusader gave interviews and very soon he became one of them and forget all about the little people. He used to tell the voiceless that they are not alone. The sad part is they believed him, even though they knew it was too good to be true, but still hoping that he was different. People always believed what they wanted to, even when they faced reality. They still refused to see it: Mistreatment can only happen in foreign country, and child abuse doesn't exist in the United States. Americans don't have to go to Bosnia, Honduras, or Pakistan to find the abusers, they are here with us every step of the way. The powerful people refused to see them. The abusers are, and can be, everywhere. They can be visible and invisible. They can be nice or mean, and they can be anything they want to be, or anything we want them to be.

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  • Paperback
  • 184 pages
  • English
  • 140334468X
  • 9781403344687

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