Mythology: Oh My! Gods and Goddesses by  Simon Basher

Mythology: Oh My! Gods and Goddesses by Simon Basher


The myths and stories of the gods and goddesses of the ancient world have a timeless appeal that captures the attention of generation after generation of children. Basher History: Mythology is an information-packed introduction to Greek/Roman, Norse and ancient Egyptian mythologies. Meet Zeus, father of the Greek gods (and learn that the Romans knew him as Jupiter), Norse Freyja, goddess of love, beauty, war and death, and Egyptian Bastet, goddess of cats, along with many others. This unique and upbeat guide is a legend in the making.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 128 pages
  • English
  • 0753471728
  • 9780753471722

About Simon Basher

simon basher is an english artist, illustrator and author based in amsterdam. he is best known for his illustrated children's reference books, particularly Read More about Simon Basher
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