Weaving the Divine Thread: Cycle A book By Brendan McGuire

Weaving the Divine Thread: Cycle A book By Brendan McGuire


In the busyness of our modern lifestyle, it is difficult to see and experience God in our lives. Unless we stop and listen, it is hard to hear what God wishes to reveal to our hearts. In publishing this book, Fr. Brendan offers us not only a challenge but an invitation. An invitation to take a break, to find some quiet time to be with the Lord. It is there, in the quiet of God's presence that we will find rest for our souls. The book is comprised of a series of homilies. Each one of the homilies was delivered in Fr. Brendan's parish. Each one emphasizes the presence of God in the daily events of our lives. He challenges us to step back from the busyness of the modern world and all its distractions and focus on the Word of God. Many of the homilies tell a story of a day-to-day life. Fr. Brendan then connects that story of ordinary life to the story of God acting in our own lives. When we step back and reflect on the presence of God in our lives, we see that God is not only present but that he has woven a fabric - a fabric rich in grace, telling the divine the story that is deep within each of us. 

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 180 pages
  • English
  • 1728337798
  • 9781728337791

About Brendan McGuire

brendan mcguire was born and raised in bray, co wicklow. he emigrated to the usa in 1989 and has lived there since. a graduate of electronic engineering an Read More about Brendan McGuire
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