Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania (Helm Field Guides) book by Dale A. Zimmerman

Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania (Helm Field Guides) book by Dale A. Zimmerman


Mount Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti Plains, tropical beaches, coral reefs, and such wildlife as elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras, and rhinos. With all this, Kenya and northern Tanzania are the ultimate destination for safaris, adventure travel, and ecotourism. They also form one of the world's most spectacular regions for birdwatching, with a variety of species unmatched almost anywhere else--from the tiny Amani Sunbird to the eight-foot-tall Somali Ostrich, from the elegant flamingos of the Rift Valley lakes to carcass-eating vultures and snake-hunting eagles. This book is the definitive field guide for the thousands of birdwatchers and travelers who visit this breathtaking area every year. The guide features 124 color plates, depicting all 1,114 species in the area, including variations by subspecies, age, and sex. It contains over 800 range maps and succinct text that covers identification, voice, and distribution. Specially designed for use in the field, it is a compact version of the widely acclaimed Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania, hailed on its publication in 1996 as the most comprehensive, accurate, and beautiful guide ever produced for the region. With its modest price, small trim size and sturdy, weather-resistant binding, this field guide is the one volume that every adventurous traveler to Kenya and northern Tanzania must have.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 576 pages
  • English
  • 0691010226
  • 9780691010229

About Dale A. Zimmerman

dale a. zimmerman is professor emeritus of biology, western new mexico university. he has visited kenya annually since 1961. donald a. turner has lived in Read More about Dale A. Zimmerman
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