Jesus: A Novel by Walter Wangerin Jr.

Jesus: A Novel by Walter Wangerin Jr.


This Consider this man who, by his power, his peace, his simple presence, and his fierce purity, quietly turned the whole world upside down. None other could evoke such joy at his astonishing deeds, such anger at his strange aloofness, such fear when he began to draw the attention of powerful enemies . . . and such heartbreak when the inevitable came to pass. Surrounded by a circle of close relationships---his mother and her extended family, men and women drawn irresistibly by the light of his personality, the authority of his words, the power of his deeds, and above all, by the depth of his love---this carpenter from Nazareth moved toward a singular destiny. A destiny he would both fear and embrace. A destiny that would mark forever the lives of those who followed him.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 391 pages
  • English
  • 0310266734
  • 9780310266730

About Walter Wangerin

walter wangerin jr. is widely recognized as one of the most gifted writers writing today on the issues of faith and spirituality. starting with the renowne Read More about Walter Wangerin
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