The Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified

The Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified


A shortand outline for almost every word in the English language. The GREGG Shorthand Dictionary Simplified is divided into two Part I contains 26,098 words most commonly used in notation with their official shorthand outlines. Also included are words that are frequently used in such fields as medicine, law, engineering, chemistry, and many others. These words represent a large range of vocabulary, omitting derivites that are not needed in shorthand. Part II contains 2,604 proper names and geographic expressions including a list of 72 commonly used abbreviations. This valuable reference should be part of the library of every shorthand writer.

Buy The Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 320 pages
  • English
  • 0070245487
  • 9780070245488

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