Goodnight Darth Vader by Jeffrey Brown

Goodnight Darth Vader by Jeffrey Brown


Goodnight Darth Vader by Jeffrey Brown

Lord Darth Vader rules the Galaxy, while attempting to rule his twin children, Luke and Leia Skywalker. He has commanded them to bed, but they have other ideas...

Episode: Bedtime. Darth Vader's parenting skills are tested as young Luke and Leia won't go to sleep. Can he calm them by reading a story featuring, Han Solo, Yoda, Boba Fett, and others as they each settle down for the night?

Smart and funny illustrations by artist Jeffrey Brown give classic Star Wars moments a twist by bringing these iconic family relations together under one roof. Written as one long bedtime story and featuring classic characters from Yoda, to the Ewoks, to the raiders and the Rancor, Vader's parenting skills are put hilariously to the test.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 64 pages
  • English
  • 1452128308
  • 9781452128306

About Jeffrey Brown

jeffrey brown was born in 1975 in grand rapids, michigan and grew up reading comic books with dreams of someday drawing them, only to abandon them and focu Read More about Jeffrey Brown
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