Brands on a Mission: How to Achieve Social Impact and Business Growth Through Purpose book by Myriam Sidibe
By Myriam SidibeBrands on a Mission: How to Achieve Social Impact and Business Growth Through Purpose book by Myriam Sidibe
Brands on a Missionexplores the importance of creating a performance culture that is built on driving impact through purpose, and the type of talent required to drive these transformational changes within companies - from CEO to brand developers. Using evidence from interviews and stories from over 100 CEOs, thought leaders and brand managers, the book presents an emergent model that organizations can follow to build purpose into their growth strategy - and shows how to bridge the gap between Brand Say and Brand Do. Readers will learn from the real experts in the field: how Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever built purpose into the DNA of his company; what keeps Alan Jope (New CEO, Unilever) and Emmanuel Faber (CEO, Danone) awake at night; and how brand developers from Pepsico, Danone and Domestos have made choices and the reasons behind them. Renowned experts like Peter Piot (Dean, London School of Health and Tropical Medicine), Michael Porter (Professor, Harvard School of Business), Jane Nelson (Director, Corporate Responsibility Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School) and Susie Orbach (leading feminist and formerly professor, London School of Economics) also share examples, data and their everyday experiences of helping corporates create a culture of purpose. And Amina J. Mohammad (Deputy Secretary General of the UN), Lawrence Haddad (Executive Director, GAIN), and Natalia Kamen (Executive Director of UNFPA) will recount how the public and private sector have worked together to deliver the triple win. The book provides a clear pathway of how to take brands through the journey of developing impactful social missions and driving business growth, and is an essential guide for both managers and students alike. Published By Routledge on 2020-05-14
Book details
- Paperback
- 208 pages
- English
- 0367428334
- 9780367428334
About Myriam Sidibe
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