Stumbling Toward Enlightenment

Stumbling Toward Enlightenment


A humorous and honest collection of Buddhist wisdom from a Western beginner'­s perspective.

Instead of promising a straight and clear path to enlightenment, author and teacher Geri Larkin shows us that even stumbling along that path can lead to self-discovery and awakening, especially if we prize the journey and not the destination. With candor, affection, and earthy wisdom, Larkin shares her experiences as a beginning and continuing Buddhist. This spirituality classic shows any seeker that it's possible to stumble, smile, and stay Zen through it all.

Buy Stumbling Toward Enlightenment by Geri Larkin at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 231 pages
  • English
  • 0890878498
  • 9780890878491

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