Dude, Where's My Country
By Michael MooreWhen the powers-that-be succeeded in ignoring and then silencing the nations widespread dissent over war, one man stood on an Oscar stage and, in front of a billion people, outed the commander in chief for his fictitious presidency and his fictitious war. Now, just a few months later, those words have remarkably become the accepted truth of the land. Yes, Michael Moore is the scourge of Stupid White Men everywhere. He's taken on fat cats, gun nuts, lying politicians. The Guardian describes him as a wake-up cal l, a kick in the mental backside. And now he's back daring to ask the most urgent question of these perilous times:
Dude, Where's My Country?
Michael Moore is on a mission in his new book: Regime Change. The man who slithered into the White House on tracks greased by his daddys oil buddies is one of many targets in Mikes blistering follow-up to his smash #1 hit Stupid White Men, the biggest-selling nonfiction book of the year. Now no one is safe: corporate barons who have bilked millions out of their employees lifetime savings, legislators who have stripped away our civil liberties in the name of homeland security, and even that right-wing brother-in-law of yours (yes, we all have one) who manages, year after year, through his babbling idiocy, to ruin Thanksgiving dinner.
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Book details
- Hardcover
- 249 pages
- English
- 0446532231
- 9780446532235
About Michael Moore
michael moore is an american filmmaker, author and liberal political commentator. he is the director and producer of bowling for columbine, fahrenheit 9/11 Read More about Michael Moore
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