Do I Want to Be A Mom? : A Woman's Guide to the Decision of a Lifetime book by Diana L. Dell

Do I Want to Be A Mom? : A Woman's Guide to the Decision of a Lifetime book by Diana L. Dell


Women who have been there share their stories to help you decide: Do I Want to Be a Mom? Today, the question of motherhood is no longer just a matter of when but also if. And with the question of if comes a barrage of even more daunting questions: How will having a baby affect my career? My body? My health? And, my marriage? Do I Want to Be a Mom? shares the illuminating, candid voices of women from all walks of life who have grappled with these same difficult questions to help you come to a decision about motherhood that's right for you.Do I Want to Be a Mom? is for any woman who has ever wondered: Am I selfish if I don't want to have children? Can I afford children? What if my marriage breaks up? Can I take time off from work to have children? Can I have kids after forty if I change my mind? And, will I be sorry when I'm older if I don't have kids? From new moms to those who have never heard even the slightest chime from their biological clock, the reflective stories found in this book provide a framework to help you examine your motivations and make your own guilt-free decision. These stories convey the same concerns and fears you may have raised with yourself or your closest friends, as well as the uplifting reasons you may consider motherhood - the love, fun, and fulfillment that many women gain as mothers.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 256 pages
  • English
  • 0071400745
  • 9780071400749

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