I Didn't Ask You to Dance! I Asked You to Talk!

I Didn't Ask You to Dance! I Asked You to Talk!


This book represents over forty years of listening to people and recording those one or two sentence phrases that, at a given point in time, were very profound in their substance and meaning. These phrases were overheard in airports, airplanes, cafes, hotels, taxi cabs, meetings, churches, and anywhere else that people gathered. I've always been fascinated by how we use the English language to communicate what we're thinking and feeling. I've found that most of us don't realize the influence our words have on others the majority of the time. Most of these phrases are original, and there are others that are taken from books I've read over the years by famous authors of our time and generations before us; yet what they have to say are just as timeless and relevant today as they were then.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 122 pages
  • English
  • 1886939624
  • 9781886939622

About Maxie Carpenter

maxie carpenter was formerly vice president of the people & training divisions for wal-mart stores. after a 27-year career, he began to pursue a number Read More about Maxie Carpenter
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