DK Biography: Nelson Mandela: A Photographic Story of a Life book by Lenny Hort

DK Biography: Nelson Mandela: A Photographic Story of a Life book by Lenny Hort


DK Biography sets a new standard in children's paperback books, relying on bold photographs, energetic storytelling, and detailed sidebars and definition boxes to build an educational and entertaining series. These books are perfect for either the classroom or the living room. Each title features a celebrated leader who has impacted our world in a big way, from important politicians to inspiring civil rights leaders, great entertainers to groundbreaking artists. These men and women come from a diverse range of nationalities and generations, but all have played a crucial role in shaping our society. DK Biographies gain momentum from detail, delving into the small things — childhood hobbies, little known fears, hidden strengths — that make a person great. Most importantly, they encourage young readers to be curious about the world and those who have influenced it.Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa, and spent 27 years in prison in his fight against apartheid. His life is a shocking, stunning, and heroic story of the struggle for freedom in a divided society, and an inspiring example of one individual's power to bring peace to a nation.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 128 pages
  • English
  • 0756621097
  • 9780756621094

About Lenny Hort

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