The Minor Prophets: An Expositional Commentary

The Minor Prophets: An Expositional Commentary


With their messages of doom and judgment, the Minor Prophets have not been popular subjects in the history of biblical interpretation. In this exegetical and expository commentary, noted scholars remedy this neglect by offering an authoritative, evangelical treatment on the prophets. This volume, the first of three, features commentary by Thomas McComiskey (Hosea), Raymond Dillard (Joel), and Jeffrey Niehaus (Amos). The authors not only provide meticulous exegesis of the Hebrew text but also relate the message of the ancient prophets to contemporary life in practical and meaningful ways.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 261 pages
  • English
  • 0801036313
  • 978-0801036316

About James Montgomery Boice

boice received a diploma from the stony brook school (1956), an a.b. from harvard university (1960), a b.d. from princeton theological seminary (1963), a t Read More about James Montgomery Boice
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