Beckoning Trails by Emilie Loring

Beckoning Trails by Emilie Loring


For gay, young Deborah Randall, a sun-swept vacation is darkened by a mystery
Three men and a girl
Beautiful, carefree Deborah Randall was enjoying a glorious vacation. Tim Grant, brilliant but ambitious atomic scientist -- Professor Burke Romney, handsome enough to be a Hollywood star but wiht his own quiet strength -- and Clive Warner, Deb's ex-fiance' determined to win back her love -- were all fighting for the honor of taking her dancing, swimming, to gay parties.
But when a series of sinsiter events shattered her round of pleasure and plunged Deborah in mortal danger, one of these men loved her enough to risk his life to save her own.
Which one was it?

Buy Beckoning Trails by Emilie Loring at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 264 pages
  • English
  • 0884113515
  • 9780884113515

About Emilie Loring

emilie baker loring (september 5, 1866 – march 13, 1951) was an american romance novelist of the 20th century. she began writing in 1914 at the age o Read More about Emilie Loring
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