During: A Couple's Intimate Experience With Breast Cancer Treatment

During: A Couple's Intimate Experience With Breast Cancer Treatment


In this courageous story, Jody & Kevin Patrick take you inside their feelings and thoughts as she undergoes breast cancer treatment.Husbands will appreciate Kevin's honest reaction to cleaning, children, sex, scars, and the emotional roller coaster of pain and change.

It's also a guide for the need to monitor your medical care, and ask for what you want.

DURING is the tale of one couple's journey to the edge of life -- and how love gave them wings!

Buy During: A Couple's Intimate Experience With Breast Cancer Treatment at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 192 pages
  • English
  • 097495621X
  • 9780974956213

About Jody Glynn Patrick

jody glynn patrick is an award-winning journalist and publisher of inbusiness magazine, and has been nominated for community service awards as a crisis cou Read More about Jody Glynn Patrick
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