American : Beyond Our Grandest Notions
By Christopher MatthewsFrom Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC's Hardball, star of NBC's The Chris Matthews Show, and the New York Times bestselling author of Now, Let Me Tell You What I Really Think comes this celebration of the American Spirit. Fiercely independent, in love with freedom, convinced we can make it, we are like no other people on earth. We are a people reluctant to fight who become ferocious warriors when threatened or attacked. We are suspicious of governmental power, yet quick to embrace our flag in times of danger. A deeply practical nation, we loom as the world's great optimists. What unites us Americans is not so much language or ethnicity, but a set of distinct notions about ourselves that comprise our American-ness. The self-made country. The constant rebel. The reluctant warrior. The lone hero. The pioneer. The optimist. You see them all in the movies we make, the books we write, the history we have lived. What stirred the souls of our ancestors two centuries ago -- and all the generations in between -- still does. In American, Matthews presents a portrait of a country that enters the world arena even today armed with an extremely potent weapon: the collective notions we carry of America at its best. We have saluted them in our popular culture, from The Great Gatsby to Casablanca to Rocky, and throughout our American history, from 1776 to 9/11. Matthews paints a picture of more than just a nation challenged but a people ready and eager to prevail.
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Book details
- Hardcover
- 256 pages
- English
- 0743240863
- 9780743240864
About Christopher Matthews
chris matthews is host and anchor of msnbc's hardball, and star of the nbc-syndicated the chris matthews show. a veteran of fifteen years with the san fran Read More about Christopher Matthews
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