On Competition book by Michael E. Porter

On Competition book by Michael E. Porter


For the past fifteen years, Michael Porter's work has defined our fundamental understanding of competition and competitive strategy. Presented here for the first time as a collective whole are a dozen articles -- two entirely new pieces together with ten of Porter's articles from the Harvard Business Review, as well as an introduction from Porter, his first statement on how the parts of his work fit together.To read through this collection is to experience Porter at work: we see firsthand as his important theories take shape, deepen, and evolve over time. Porter addresses the important issues of competition, from company strategy to the relationship between competition and environmental regulation to the counterintuitive role of geography in the global economy.

At once eloquent and convincing, these essays help us to examine and understand the essence of competition. "On Competition offers the intellectual foundations for company and country strategies for the years ahead.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 575 pages
  • English
  • 9781422126967
  • 142212696X

About Michael E. Porter

michael e. porter is the leading authority on competitive strategy, the competitiveness and economic development of nations, states, and regions, and the a Read More about Michael E. Porter
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