Yum! : Tasty Recipes from Culinary Greats

Yum! : Tasty Recipes from Culinary Greats


YUM! Tasty Recipes from Culinary Greats"" is a collection of 100 wonderful recipes from more than sixty renowned chefs who share their personal favorites. Among the many contributors are Sara Moulton, Nick Malgeiri, Suvir Saran, and Jacques Torres in New York; Roy Yamaguchi, Elizabeth Falkner, Tom Douglas, Susan Feniger, Mary Sue Milliken, and Joanne Weir in the West; Charlie Trotter and Rick Bayless in the Midwest; Nathalie Dupree, Steven Raichlen, Michael Richard, and Jose Andres further south; Susanna Foo in Philadelphia; Jodie Adams and Ana Sortun in Boston; and Susan Hermann-Loomis in France. The recipes are for appetizers, brunches, soups, salads, main courses, vegetables, deserts, and sauces. ""YUM! Tasty Recipes from Culinary Greats"" also includes a glossary of cooking terms and conversion tables for metric and imperial measures as well as temperatures. It is sponsored by Microplane, manufacturers of a wide range of culinary tools.""

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 279 pages
  • English
  • 1581826168
  • 9781581826166

About Jeffrey Spear

jeffrey l. spear is associate professor emeritus at new york university where he taught victorian studies, victorian literature, and visual culture. Read More about Jeffrey Spear
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