Water Buffalo Theology

Water Buffalo Theology


Water Buffalo Theology marked the emergence of a self-conscious Asian Christian theology, on the world scene when it was published in 1974. In this twenty-fifth anniversary edition, Koyama thoroughly updates the original, adding an retrospective introduction that records how he has changed his mind on many topics but maintained his position on others. In addition to eliminating several chapters, Koyama also adds one on his "pilgrimage in mission."

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 196 pages
  • English
  • 1570752567
  • 9781570752568

About Kosuke Koyame

koyama was born in tokyo in 1929, of christian parents. he later moved to new jersey in the united states, where he completed his b.d. at drew theological Read More about Kosuke Koyame
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