Premises Security: A Guide for Security Professionals and Attorneys by William Blake

Premises Security: A Guide for Security Professionals and Attorneys by William Blake



Premises Security: A Guide for Attorneys and Security Professionals guides the security professional through the ins and outs of premises security liability. Premises security litigation claims represent a serious financial threat to owners and occupiers of property. This book provides an overview of risk assessment techniques, identification of reasonable security measures, legal issues and litigation strategies. Premises security litigation is increasing at a dramatic rate and has a significant negative impact on corporate profits. Realizing the increasing costs of litigation, business owners and other interested parties are initiating proactive measures to provide adequate security. Attorneys can use this book as a security resource for providing legal advice to their clients and during the litigation process. Security professionals will be better able to propose and implement reasonable and appropriate security measures. The format of providing information in response to specific questions carries the reader through a logical and sequential method for understanding the legal concepts of premises liability, the identification of reasonable and appropriate protection measures, and how to acquire premises security information. This is a practical, concise and informative guide. This book can be used in a proactive prevention mode as well as a reactive response to litigation claims. It explains what security professionals should be thinking about and planning for when it comes to protecting people on their premises. It also provides a common base of knowledge for attorneys and security professionals that does not exist in any other publication.


Book details

  • Paperback
  • 112 pages
  • English
  • 0750670304
  • 9780750670302

About William Blake

william blake was an english poet, painter, and printmaker. largely unrecognised during his lifetime, blake's work is today considered seminal and signific Read More about William Blake
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