Superfudge by Judy Blume

Superfudge by Judy Blume


Peter Hatcher's little brother, Fudge, is four. And he's as monstrous as ever!

When Fudge discovers that his new baby sister can't play with him, he tries to sell her. When that doesn't work, he tries giving her away. And on his first day at school he kicks his teacher and calls her Rat Face. Can his big brother help him out this time?

Superfudge is the third book in the hilariously funny Fudge series from the bestselling author and household name Judy Blume, featuring cover art from picture book star, Emily Gravett.

Start the series with Tales of Fourth Grade Nothing or continue the chaos with Fudge-a-Mania and Double Fudge.


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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 175 pages
  • English
  • 0439559847
  • 9780439559843

About Judy Blume

judy blume spent her childhood in elizabeth, new jersey, making up stories inside her head. she has spent her adult years in many places doing the same thi Read More about Judy Blume
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Condition : Like New The book has been read, but looks new. The book cover has no visible wear, and the dust jacket is included if applicable. No missing or damaged pages, no tears, possible very minimal creasing, no underlining or highlighting of text, and no writing in the margins

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