Stills by Samuel Hazo

Stills by Samuel Hazo


When Louise, a young film producer, takes on the job of documenting the life of boy wonder photojournalist Bede Baxter, he has been missing in Lebanon for three months and is presumed dead. When she visits his house and puts herself in the midst of his most private concerns, she imagines she is in love with him: his talent, his sometimes cold, sometimes sensitive, reporter's soul. That is, until the unexpected happens. The scene is then set for an unusual relationship, as Louise shifts the focus of her documentary from Baxter's life to his continued search for the "perfect" photo. In reaching for that elusive, career making picture, Baxter is willing to risk his life—and, it soon becomes clear—Louise's as well.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 192 pages
  • English
  • 0815605374
  • 9780815605379

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