Singing for Your Supper

Singing for Your Supper


In this witty and practical successor to RISING TO THE OCCASION, Edith Hazard offers the answer to awkward gatherings--twenty-six games, gimmicks, performance pieces, and projects, that you can bring to dinner parties, cocktails, family outings, and weekends in the country or at the beach. SINGING FOR YOUR SUPPER is illustrated with drawings and diagrams, but it's more than just how-to instructions. This is a philosophy--a way of looking at your role and responsibility when you're invited out. A perfect guest, Hazard suggests, knows when and how to help the host keep things moving. It means giving something of yourself, something that contributes to the success of the event.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 173 pages
  • English
  • 1565120906
  • 9781565120907

About Edith Hazard

edith hazard has managed a law office, sung lead in a jug band, taught sunday school, and earned her ba in english at bowdoin—meanwhile raising her f Read More about Edith Hazard
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