What's Right with Islam Is What's Right With America: A New Vision for Muslims and the West book by Feisal Abdul Rauf

What's Right with Islam Is What's Right With America: A New Vision for Muslims and the West book by Feisal Abdul Rauf


What's Right with Islam Is What's Right With America: A New Vision for Muslims and the West book by Feisal Abdul Rauf

An American imam offers answers for today's toughest questions about Islam, and a vision for a reconciliation between Islam and the West. One of the pressing questions of our time is what went wrong in the relationship between Muslims and the West. Continuing global violence in the name of Islam reflects the deepest fears by certain Muslim factions of Western political, cultural, and economic encroachment. The solution to the current antagonism requires finding common ground upon which to build mutual respect and understanding. Who better to offer such an analysis than an American imam, someone with a foot in each world and the tools to examine the common roots of both Western and Muslim cultures; someone to explain to the non-Islamic West not just what went wrong with Islam, but what's right with Islam. Focused on finding solutions, not on determining fault, this is ultimately a hopeful, inspiring book. What's Right with Islam systematically lays out the reasons for the current dissonance between these cultures and offers a foundation and plan for improved relations. Wide-ranging in scope, What's Right with Islam elaborates in satisfying detail a vision for a Muslim world that can eventually embrace its own distinctive forms of democracy and capitalism, aspiring to a new Cordoba - a time when Jews, Christians, Muslims, and all other faith traditions will live together in peace and prosperity. Published By Harper Collins on 2009-10-13

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 338 pages
  • English
  • 0060750626
  • 9780060750626

About Feisal Abdul Rauf

ksh 2150
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