Quiet Power : Growing Up as an Introvert in a World That Can't Stop Talking book by Susan Cain

Quiet Power : Growing Up as an Introvert in a World That Can't Stop Talking book by Susan Cain


"Quiet Power is a brilliant handbook for quiet children (and their parents). It is a celebration of the introvert" - Guardian

Your child's teenage years is a time wrought with insecurity and self-doubt. Their search for a place in the world can seem daunting. Focusing on the strengths and challenges of being introverted, Quiet Power is full of examples from school, family life and friendship, applying the breakthrough discoveries of Quiet to teenagers that so badly need them.

This insightful, accessible and empowering book is eye-opening to extroverts and introverts alike. Unlock your teenager's hidden superpower and give them the tools to make a mark - in their own quiet 



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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 288 pages
  • English
  • 0241977916
  • 9780241977910

About Susan Cain

susan cain is the author of the bestsellers quiet journal, quiet power: the secret strengths of introverts, and quiet: the power of introverts in a world t Read More about Susan Cain
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