Levitation's View: Lessons Voiced from an Extraordinary Journey Volume I, the Wonder Years

Levitation's View: Lessons Voiced from an Extraordinary Journey Volume I, the Wonder Years


Through original poetry and prose, Willie Naulls explores and expresses his intimate experience with racism, professional athletics, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, ministry, and both positive and negative parental influences during his journey from a segregated southern ghetto, across the fabled courts of collegiate and professional basketball, through a wide variety of entrepreneurial pursuits, into the boardrooms of corporate America, and finally to the purpose for which he was born, sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as he works tirelessly to assist people in exploring and developing the unique industry God gives each one of us.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 188 pages
  • English
  • 0976370905
  • 9780976370901

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