March Hares and Monkeys' Uncles

March Hares and Monkeys' Uncles


Why is a March hare mad? Why do we sometimes call ourselves a monkey’s uncle? What are people really doing when they go and see a man about a dog? And what is the original meaning of flying by the seat of your pants? While we might choose our words carefully, we rarely think about the origins of the many phrases, place names, and expressions we use every day. Yet, behind these words lie marvelous stories, steeped in the weird and wonderful traditions of everyday life. From names of streets and public houses to the names of countries, seas, and oceans, this book answers the questions you've always had about the language we all use.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 272 pages
  • English
  • 1843581523
  • 9781843581529

About Harry Oliver

ksh 700
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