As We Are Now by William S. Penn

As We Are Now by William S. Penn


The thirteen contributors to "As We Are Now" invite readers to explore with them the untamed territory of race and mixblood identity in North America. A 'mixblood', according to editor W.S. Penn, recognizes that his or her identity comes not from distinct and separable strains of ancestry but from the sum of the tension and interplay of all his or her ancestral relationships. These first-person narratives cross racial, national, and disciplinary boundaries in a refreshingly experimental approach to writing culture. Their authors call on similar but varied cultural and aesthetic traditions - mostly oral - in order to address some aspect of race and identity about which they feel passionate, and all resist the essentialist point of view. Mixblood Native American, Mestizo/a, and African-American writers focus their discussion on the questions indigenous and minority people ask and the way in which they ask them, clearly merging the singular 'I' with the communal 'we'. These are new voices in the dialogue of ethnic writers, and they offer a highly original treatment of an important subject.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 282 pages
  • English
  • 0520210735
  • 9780520210738

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