Living a Life on Loan : Finding Grace at the Intersections
By Rick RusawWhat's your story? God has given us this life and what we do with it matters a great deal to Him. Your story matters because it is part of a much bigger story He is writing. You can be a person who sees your life as on loan from God. Your life can be used, enjoyed, and lived in such a way that God's story is being written through your story and your story is impacting the stories of others. Living a Life on Loan is a personal journey, discovering . . . Love - what you love is seen in your passions and purpose, in your priorities and in your values Influence - God places you alongside others so your story can intersect and influence them in such a way that God also becomes a part of their story Fortune - whether you began life with more or less resources, you have some amount of fortune that is on loan from God, waiting to be invested to accomplish His purpose Eternity - God gives you just a slice of time, yet you have the ability to influence all of eternity.
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Book details
- Paperback
- 251 pages
- English
- 0784718555
- 9780784718551
About Rick Rusaw
rick rusaw has served as the lead pastor at lifebridge christian church in longmont, colorado for over 25 years. he is the co-founder of externally focused Read More about Rick Rusaw
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