Abhidhamma in Daily Life

Abhidhamma in Daily Life


Abhidhamma in Daily Life is an exposition of absolute realities in detail. Abhidhamma means higher doctrine and the book's purpose is to encourage the right application of Buddhism in order to eradicate wrong view and eventually all defilements. Many terms in Pāli, the language of early Buddhism, are used and are defined as they are introduced. The book is therefore suitable for beginners as well as more experienced Buddhists. It is detailed and precise and an invaluable aid to unlocking the deep meaning of the entire Buddhist Canon

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 284 pages
  • English
  • 1897633440
  • 9781897633441

About Nina Van Gorkom

nina van gorkom was born in 1928 to a family of socialist intellectuals. her father was a member of the dutch parliament. she studied at leyden university Read More about Nina Van Gorkom
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