I Am #7: I Am  George Lucas by Grace Norwich

I Am #7: I Am George Lucas by Grace Norwich


I Am #7: I Am  George Lucas by Grace Norwich

I created the Star Wars franchise. I am George Lucas.

Learn all about this remarkable man, whose accomplishments are truly inspiring, in the continuation of the I AM series. I AM GEORGE LUCAS will follow one man's journey to become the most famous filmmaker in the world. Discover everything you wanted to know about this celebrated movie guru and creator of Star Wars. This book will feature a full-color illustrated cover, one-color illustrations throughout, a detailed time line, introductions to other notable people from the story, sidebars, and a top-ten list of important things to know about George Lucas.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 123 pages
  • English
  • 0545533791
  • 9780545533799

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