You are Becoming a Galactic Human

You are Becoming a Galactic Human


A bold, urgent and extraordinary revelation about Earth's hidden million-year history, and secret truths of human relationships with spiritual masters and star beings.

Why is time accelerating...what is causing it?
Wiy will ALL physical life change by the end of 1996? How may you prepare?
How can you regain your full DNA 12-helix consciousness identity?
Will the "Second Coming" of Christ be what you thought it would be?
What role are the Sirians playing in human evolution? Will they be landing soon?
Is physical death still necessary? Is Ascension possible?

Buy You are Becoming a Galactic Human by Virginia Essene at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 240 pages
  • English
  • 0937147087
  • 9780937147085

About Virginia Essene

virginia essene, author of five spiritual, new age books channels the christ energy and gives lectures and seminars around the world. her books have reache Read More about Virginia Essene
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