The enormous exception: Meeting Christ in the Sermon on the mount

The enormous exception: Meeting Christ in the Sermon on the mount


Every age needs its comfortable assumptions challenged by Scripture's unsettling call to live Christ's way -- hence the need for a fresh examination of the famed sermon of Jesus, recorded in Matthew 5-7. In The Enormous Exception Earl Palmer journeys through Jesus' most famous serrmon, laying open fuller meanings all along the way. The result is the rediscovery of this vibrant oracle which grips the reader with conviction about life -- as it was originally heard when Jesus preached it. Enriching this concise commentary on the sermon are the author's observations on various Greek words in the text and his theological and psychological insights. -- Published By on 1986

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 160 pages
  • English
  • 0849905354
  • 9780849905353

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