The Gift of Acabar: A Warm and Shining Message of Inspiration book by Og Mandino

The Gift of Acabar: A Warm and Shining Message of Inspiration book by Og Mandino


A story of hope and encouragement from the bestselling author of The Return of the Ragpicker

All Tulo had wanted was some light and warmth to sustain him and his tiny sister through the terrible storm. But the star which he caught in the folds of his red kite promised far from more than that. Here is the shining, joyful message the star Acabar gave to Tulo—a message meant not only for the boy but for all those who dream of changing their lives for the better.

“A great story has again come from the genius of Og Mandino”—Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 128 pages
  • English
  • 0553260847
  • 9780553260847

About Og Mandino

augustine "og" mandino ii (december 12, 1923 – september 3, 1996) was an american author. he wrote the bestselling book the greatest salesman in the Read More about Og Mandino
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