The Choice: A Surprising New Message of Hope book by Og Mandino

The Choice: A Surprising New Message of Hope book by Og Mandino


Choice! The key is Choice. You have options. You need not spend your life wallowing in failure, ignorance, grief, poverty, shame, and self-pity. But, hold on! If this is true then why have so many among us apparently elected to live in that manner? The answer is obvious. Those who live in unhappy failure have never exercised their options for a better way of life because they have never been aware that they had any Choices ! 

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 178 pages
  • English
  • 0553245767
  • 9780553245769

About Og Mandino

augustine "og" mandino ii (december 12, 1923 – september 3, 1996) was an american author. he wrote the bestselling book the greatest salesman in the Read More about Og Mandino
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