Daddy's Gone A-Hunting book by Mary Higgins Clark

Daddy's Gone A-Hunting book by Mary Higgins Clark


Daddy's Gone A-Hunting book by Mary Higgins Clark

A dark family secret puts the lives of two sisters in grave danger Hannah Connelly is plunged into a nightmare when she learns that Connelly Fine Antique Reproductions, the family business founded by her grandfather, has been levelled by a huge explosion. The ashes reveal a startling and grisly discovery. Could the explosion have been deliberately set? And what was Kate, Hannah's sister and a highflyer in an accounting firm, doing in the building in the middle of the night? With Kate lying in a coma in hospital, it is now down to Hannah to discover what truly happened. But little does she know that someone will do anything they can to prevent Kate regaining consciousness. Will Hannah find out the truth before that person kills to save himself? Published By on 2014

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 464 pages
  • English
  • 1849837074
  • 9781849837071

About Mary Higgins Clark

the #1 new york times bestselling author mary higgins clark wrote forty suspense novels, four collections of short stories, a his­torical nov Read More about Mary Higgins Clark
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