Culinary Arts Institute Encyclopedic Cookbook

Culinary Arts Institute Encyclopedic Cookbook


It's all here: from the basic to the gourmet, from preparation to serving, all presented in a clear, concise, simple manner. Recipes for every level of expertise are included, from basic broccoli to Artichoke Souffle, along with all-American classics such as Chicken a la King and Peach Meringue Pie. In addition, the cookbook offers a cornucopia of food suggestions for any situation and any pocketbook: complete menus and table settings for each month of the year and holidays, storage tips, food-buying guides, calorie counters, and much more. The widespread attention to regional American cooking and the proliferation of home-style cafes across the country all point to a new pride and interest in American cooking. The Culinary Arts Institute Encyclopedic Cookbook, with its 10,000 recipes and countless food facts and ideas, is a cornerstone cookbook for every kitchen.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 974 pages
  • English
  • 0399513884
  • 9780399513886

About Ruth Berolzheimer

ruth berolzheimer wasn't joking around when she attached her name to this culinary arts institute encyclopedic cookbook. published in 1948 and containing o Read More about Ruth Berolzheimer
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