Emeril's Delmonico : A Restaurant with a Past

Emeril's Delmonico : A Restaurant with a Past


For more than 100 years, Delmonico has embodied the spirit of New Orleans. First opened in 1895, Delmonico Restaurant and Bar in New Orleans reopened its doors a century later to tremendous acclaim as Emeril's Delmonico. In his latest cookbook, America's favorite celebrity chef presents a collection of recipes that are adapted and simplified for home cooks, featuring a combination of Creole classics and Emeril's kicked-up creations. Emeril's Delmonico is full of recipes for hearty, innovative food steeped in New Orleans style. Illustrated with both contemporary full-color and vintage black-and-white photographs, Emeril's Delmonico paints a lively, evocative portrait of Emeril's classic cuisine and the rich culinary history of New Orleans.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 276 pages
  • English
  • 0060740469
  • 9780060740467

About Emeril Lagasse

emeril john lagasse is an american celebrity chef, restaurateur, television personality, and cookbook author. a regional james beard award winner, he is pe Read More about Emeril Lagasse
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