Thomas Carlyle : A Descriptive Bibliography

Thomas Carlyle : A Descriptive Bibliography


Like other volumes in the series, the bibliography covers all Carlyle's published writings, including any works of more recent scholarship which include something by Carlyle published for the first time. In the main section, containing a chronological listing of all books, pamphlets and broadsides wholly or substantially written by Carlyle, each entry is prefaced by a facsimile of the title-page and copyright page. In this section all printings and subsequent reprintings of all editions, in any language, up to 1880, are given. Subsequent sections include listings of publications of Carlyle material in journals and newspapers, miscellaneous and collected editions and matter attributed to him. There are also writings by Jane Carlyle, his wife, which were edited by Carlyle.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 543 pages
  • English
  • 0822936070
  • 9780822936077

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