Archaeology and the New Testament

Archaeology and the New Testament


No realm of research has offered more thrilling rewards or afforded greater promise of continued progress than the study of Biblical archaeology. Although New Testament archaeology has not been called upon to perform the sensational feats accomplished by Old Testament archaeological research, its importance is no less far-reaching and is becoming more and more significant, as the study of this volume will show. Dealing with a much shorter span of history (a mere century in contrast to the several millennia of the Old Testament world), New Testament archaeological

Buy ARCHAEOLOGY and The NEW TESTAMENT by Merrill F. Unger at Attic books at Nairobi Kenya

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 353 pages
  • English
  • 0310333911
  • 9780310333913

About Merrill F. Unger

merrill frederick unger, author of demons in the world today, earned his a.b and ph.d. degrees at dallas theological seminary. he held pastorates in new yo Read More about Merrill F. Unger
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