Unplugged Play: Toddler: 155 Activities & Games for Ages 1-2 book by Bobbi Conner

Unplugged Play: Toddler: 155 Activities & Games for Ages 1-2 book by Bobbi Conner


Unplug your toddler with over 150 screen-free games and activities!

“Every parent ought to have this... [A] feast of unplugged family favorites, forgotten and new.”––Penelope Leach, PhD, psychologist and author of Your Baby and Child
From Tunnel Tube to Party Play Dough, Bumper Ball to Hoop-Dee-Do, here are more than 150 screen-free games and activities to help kids enjoy the wholesome old-fashioned experience of playing creatively and freely...without technology. There are outdoor games and indoor games, games to play solo and games to play with others, crafts, songs, guessing games, puppet ideas, playdates and party favorites––even instant activities to do at the kitchen table while dinner’s cooking. All games are toddler-tested and approved!
A note to parents: Play matters! Technology has the place, but these unplugged games are designed to stretch the imagination, spark creativity, build strong bodies, and forge deeper connections with family and friends.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 224 pages
  • English
  • 0761197648
  • 9780761197645

About Bobbi Conner

bobbi conner created the award-winning, nationwide public radio series the parents journal and hosted the program for twenty-four years. conner’s pub Read More about Bobbi Conner
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