Two Old Women: An Alaskan Legend of Betrayal, Courage and Survival  Velma Wallis book by Velma Wallis

Two Old Women: An Alaskan Legend of Betrayal, Courage and Survival Velma Wallis book by Velma Wallis


Based on an Athabascan Indian legend passed along for many generations from mothers to daughters of the upper Yukon River Valley in Alaska, this is the suspenseful, shocking, ultimately inspirational tale of two old women abandoned by their tribe during a brutal winter famine.

Though these women have been known to complain more than contribute, they now must either survive on their own or die trying. In simple but vivid detail, Velma Wallis depicts a landscape and way of life that are at once merciless and starkly beautiful. In her old women, she has created two heroines of steely determination whose story of betrayal, friendship, community and forgiveness "speaks straight to the heart with clarity, sweetness and wisdom" (Ursula K. Le Guin).

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 142 pages
  • English
  • 0945397186
  • 9780945397182

About Velma Wallis

velma wallis (born 1960) is a gwich'in athabascan indian and bestselling u.s. novelist. her work has been translated into 17 languages.she was born and rai Read More about Velma Wallis
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