A Life in Our Times book by John Kenneth Galbraith

A Life in Our Times book by John Kenneth Galbraith


The richly adventurous memoirs of one of the most dazzling public figures to dominate the American scene over the last decades
“As a raconteur and a literary stylist he stands with the best. . . . As entertainment, the book is a total success.”—The New York Times Book Review
“Absorbing and irresistible.”—The New Yorker
“A highly perceptive commentary on all our yesterdays . . . anecdotal, amusing, animated and above all, illuminating.”—John Barkham Reviews
“An enjoyable book, full of fun, full of wisdom, and full of rare insights into the history of our times.”—The New Republic
“A delightfully teeming book . . . [John Kenneth] Galbraith’s comic voice is a distinctive and durable literary achievement.”—Atlantic Monthly

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 592 pages
  • English
  • 0552120952
  • 9780552120951

About John Kenneth Galbraith

ohn kenneth galbraith was a canadian-american economist. he was a keynesian and an institutionalist, a leading proponent of 20th-century american liberalis Read More about John Kenneth Galbraith
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