The Volcano Lover : A Romance

The Volcano Lover : A Romance


Set in 18th century Naples, based on the lives of Sir William Hamilton, his celebrated wife Emma, and Lord Nelson, and peopled with many of the great figures of the day, this unconventional, bestselling historical romance from the National Book Award-winning author of In America touches on themes of sex and revolution, the fate of nature, art and the collector's obsessions, and, above all, love.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 419 pages
  • English
  • 0374285160
  • 9780374285166

About Susan Sontag

susan sontag was born in new york city on january 16, 1933, grew up in tucson, arizona, and attended high school in los angeles. she received her b.a. from Read More about Susan Sontag
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