He Chose the Nails : What God Did to Win Your Heart

He Chose the Nails : What God Did to Win Your Heart


The wood. The thorns. The nails. Christ's sacrifice has defined the very essence of mankind's faith for the past 2000 years. And now, Max Lucado invites you to examine the cross, contemplate its purpose, and celebrate its significance with He Chose the Nails. With his warm, caring style, Max examines the symbols surrounding Christ's crucifixion, revealing the claims of the cross and asserting that if they are true, then Christianity itself is true. The supporting evidence either makes the cross the single biggest hoax of all time, or the hope of all humanity. More than a book, the campaign includes the first stand-alone workbook, leaders guide, and video package from Max, as well as a praise & worship CD from Here to Him music featuring several of today's favorite Christian artists.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 215 pages
  • English
  • 0849942624
  • 9780849942624

About Max Lucado

with more than 130 million products in print and several nyt bestsellers, max lucado is america's bestselling inspirational author. he serves the oak hills Read More about Max Lucado
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