The Portable MBA Desk Reference: An Essential Business Companion by Paul A. Argenti

The Portable MBA Desk Reference: An Essential Business Companion by Paul A. Argenti


This source book attempts to fill a gap in the business book market by pulling together an immense array of facts, formulas, statistics and sources of information. By defining concepts and then presenting them in business scenarios, the book gives readers the chance to see them in action. The text begins with an A-to-Z reference of essential business topics, covering basic accounting, economics, finance, international business, management, marketing, manufacturing and strategy. The second section is a directory of business information on more than 50 different topics, including demographics, employee benefits, corporate financial performance and international business.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 688 pages
  • English
  • 0471576816
  • 9780471576815

About Paul A. Argenti

paul argenti is professor of management and corporate communication at the tuck school of business at dartmouth college. both "the wall street journal" and Read More about Paul A. Argenti
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