The Dude and the Zen Master book by Jeff Bridges

The Dude and the Zen Master book by Jeff Bridges


The New York Times bestseller from Academy award-winning actor Jeff Bridges and Zen leader and author of Bearing Witness, Bernie Glassman.

Zen master Bernie Glassman compares Jeff Bridges’s iconic role in The Big Lebowski to a Lamed-Vavnik: one of the men in Jewish mysticism who “are simple and unassuming, and so good that, on account of them, God lets the world go on.” His buddy Jeff puts it another way. The wonderful thing about the Dude, he says, is that he’d always rather hug it out than slug it out.

For more than a decade, Academy Award–winning actor Jeff Bridges and his buddhist teacher, renowned Roshi Bernie Glassman, have been close friends. Inspiring and often hilarious, The Dude and the Zen Master captures their freewheeling dialogue about life, laughter, and the movies with a charm and bonhomie that never fail to enlighten and entertain. Throughout, their remarkable humanism reminds us of the importance of doing good in a difficult world.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 288 pages
  • English
  • 0399161643
  • 9780399161643

About Jeff Bridges

jeffrey leon "jeff" bridges is an american actor and producer. he comes from a well-known acting family and began his first televised acting in 1958 as a c Read More about Jeff Bridges
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